Monday, May 20

The Ending of an Era

 Today, my Youngest walks across the stage to accept his high school diploma. It truly is an ending of an era for the Wife and I. The end of seemingly endless years (16 in total, though only the last 12 straight) of band practices and events, extra-curricular events, plays, concerts, parties, school meetings, etc, etc. No more early, early morning band practices, or late night pick-ups when they get home from an event.

And of course, the Wife is sick and not sure if she will make the ceremony today. Seems she came down with a chest cold, and is just feeling miserable with coughing and stuffiness today already. I may be attending as a single parent today, though the Youngest siblings will all be there. In fact, The Daughter has already texted she is on the way into town (about a 2 hour drive). With the Wife not feeling well, I truly am playing taxi today. The Youngest has already been dropped off to spend some time with a friend from out of state and will need to be picked up in a couple hours. Then after the ceremony, he is hanging with friends again and will need to be picked up. And finally, at 11pm tonight he is to be dropped off for a graduation celebration that lasts until 4am, and then I pick him and his girlfriend, take her to her grandparents, then home ourselves. I'm going to be beat.

I'm tired just thinking about that last paragraph. I think I should start by going to the Reading Room....


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