Tuesday, May 28

Earlier than Usual...

 I got up early today. Well, earlier than usual (by quite a bit). Though the alarm was set for 7am, I was awake off and on from about 5am. I guess telling my body I needed to be up earlier helped actually wake me earlier. But why did I need to get up? I actually have work to do. Yesterday afternoon, the emails started arriving to complete tasks in the online HR for the Company. I'm just a re-hire, so mine are pretty easy, just re-confirming previous entered data. So this morning when I checked my email at just after 7am, I already had an email giving project information. I began checking my connections to be sure I can access the virtual desktop, but I'm guessing they do not have everyone approved for that as of this hour. The email said to wait until about 9:30am (my time) so I will give them a couple hours to get it approved for me.

And, of course, the Company lied ... kinda. The email I received this morning stated the project duration is 13 business days. Last week the email stated 125 days. But I guess there is a clause in there, as I re-read it just now. They mention afterward possible switching to CDR (Complex Document Review - which I do have training in) or onto another aspect of the same project. So maybe it is just this first part that is 13 days (2 weeks). I dunno. Just happy to be working again.

That being said, I should get off here and get some other stuff done for my regular routine since I have to wait a bit....


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