Wednesday, May 29

Do I Really Miss Working?

 Yesterday was a truly long day. I mentioned being up early, to get to my emails, make sure I was prepared to start work. I logged in at 9:30am, worked until 5pm. After a bit, I decided to head up to the pub and do some reading. During the evening, the Oldest Son had texted a couple times about questions from his girlfriend (who I got to apply to my Company, and is starting a project today). Then later, as I was readying to head home, the GF calls me and is freaking out about not knowing what to do and what program(s) she needs. The Oldest Son is at work, so I ended up going over and helping her (somewhat) and answering questions. It was after 1am when I got home. I had planned to be up earlier (like 5-6am) but that wasn't happening now. I logged into work at 8:45 this morning....

Yesterday I griped about now being told the project was going to last 13 days, instead of the before mentioned 125 days.... Well, in the meeting, things were cleared up. Seems they started me right off in the Complex Doc Review area, and that work was going to be 2 weeks, then they move us to the regular review, which will last much longer. Whew!

But I admit, with yesterday being such a long day ... I'm mentally tired today. Which means work is going to drag on. I don't miss the work....just the paycheck.


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