Monday, June 3

Rest-Up Weekend

 This past weekend was one for resting. By the end of work on Friday, I was mentally exhausted. Returning to work, and the readjustment to it all after five months off was a bit taxing. This morning I am up early (thanks Honey for the snoring) and figured I should get to work - early on is early off, so here I am logged in at 5:30am, and taking a few minutes here.

Went to the Post on Saturday, but didn't win the draw. No one did so it rolls, and now is over $16K. Sunday just putted around the house. Needed to change out a hose bib in the back yard, but only had channel locks, which didn't work. Looks like I need to get over to Lowes and get maybe a plumbers wrench or a larger adjustable one. That bib looks like it has been on for quite a number of years, and with the hard water out here, has some crust build-up.

Welp, it'll be a full work week for awhile, so I supposed I should get started and get used to it.


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