Friday, June 28

End of the Week

 I had some pretty big plans for this weekend. Earlier this week, I had noticed the Ringling Broos circus was going to be performing here in the Valley, and thought I would see if we could take Doodad. Being it is her first circus, we invited the parents if they wanted to go, to share the first experience, as we don't want to take that away from them. Last night, we touched base, and today I was supposed to get tickets ordered for the five of us. I'm an idiot. The circus isn't here until next weekend. I texted the Daughter and admitted my mistake, and we could all just hold up a couple days to re-make our decisions. Mainly because they were going to drive up from Tucson. Hopefully, things will still work out for next weekend, so we will see.

Have not heard anything from the Company this week at all, even after being told there would possibly be a project that would open this week, since so many were pulled off the other project. I don't know. Come Monday, another email will go out from me about being available.

Think I am going to head up to the Post this afternoon. I know a few of the people that hang there on Friday afternoons, and we all have a good time laughing and funning. Maybe get some more reading time in. I am just starting Clive Cussler's Dirk Pitt series (around 20 books in all).


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