Friday, June 7

Weekly Wrap-up

 Friday has come around again, and I am avoiding the whole work thing for a few minutes just to put something in here. Anything exciting happen this last week? Nope. Just a week of work, and finished up maybe 3-4 books. Anything exciting planned for the weekend? Nope. Maybe the Post on Saturday, but no other plans that I know of - unless the Wife has something she hasn't told me yet.

The last couple of weeks have had me craving salads. No idea as to why. Last week, the Wife and I ended up at Seafood Harbor (a Chinese buffet) as I was craving their cucumber, onion, tomato salad (it is REALLY good) as well as helping myself to two plates of regular salad with some toppings. Over the past  weekend, the Wife had picked up a bag of salad pre-mixed, and a couple of the sealed salad bowls. The last of which just got finished about 30 minutes ago. Sigh. And still I crave. Guess after work I may have to go the grocery. Or if I wait, maybe we can do lunch at Red Robin tomorrow - they have an unlimited salad there, and their Italian dressing is really good.

Adjusting to getting back to work has been going well. I have started trying to get to bed by 9'ish most nights, so it is easier to get up early to start work. Though I have until 9am (my time) to actually start, I can start as early as 5am. Which is about when the bladder wakes me to be released anyways.... except this morning. I had no desire to get out of  bed until 8:45am. Which means I am working until 5pm ( to complete the 8 hours).Sigh.

Welp, got nothin' else to add ....


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