Saturday, June 22

Doing A Run ....

 Saturday is here, and the Wife isn't. She left this morning to drive out to Mesa for some continuing education class that is free to take but only today. She'll be gone most of the day I reckon. We spent a good half hour or more last night trying to find the best route for her to take, as there are some freeway closures. I think I got her situated with a route that was about 8 miles longer, but would involve less changing of freeways, and probably keep her out of most of the detoured routed from the closures. I remember not so long ago driving that distance just to get to work... glad I don't have to anymore.

So no Wife means I get to make my own lunch plans. I talked with Youngest last night, and I think we are going to do a food run - to White Castle! There's one out on the east side of Scottsdale, maybe 30 minutes from home. I have never been there (no clue except I think it is far to drive for food) but feel the craving for them sliders yesterday. Might get a couple cases (for lunch this week) and a go-bag to have on the way home. Youngest seemed kinda excited to go as well. I think the last time he tried them, he did like them.

Welp, I'm feeling a little tired yet this morning so I may go lay back down for a bit.


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