Monday, June 24

And It Just Piles on ...

 Friday, whilst working away as the diligent worker ant that I am, our Team Leads notified us that Upper Management had decided (or made the call to) reduce the number of people we had on this project. They had no idea who, or how many, but we would be notified via personal email over the course of the weekend, if we were being removed from the project. On the plus side, they said this next week there was a possible other project starting, and for us to be sure the recruiting department knew if we were available.

I got my email Friday evening I was being removed. This was supposed to be a 4-month long project, and I only worked it for 4 weeks. Sigh. I sent recruitment notice I was available, and now I sit here waiting tomorrow to see if anything new comes along.

Saturday I never made it to White Castle. By 11am, I was thinking 30 minutes was too long of a drive just for fast food (and I was feeling peckish by then). The Youngest agreed, and we ended up going to Red Robin for lunch. We had a nice talk about plans he is thinking on regarding the job search, and getting his license. Then it was of to the Post....

I arrived at the Post about 2pm, only to find out that the power had gone out just minutes before my arrival. Over the next hour, they found out it was a huge power-out, and would not be restored until estimated 4:30 pm. By just before 3pm, it was extended to 5:30pm. What really stunk, they were having a weeding/reception in the hall, of two of the Post leadership (one's son, one's daughter). So I decided to leave as it was hot with no AC. I didn't get about a 1/4 mile up the road, and see the signal light go from blinking red, to steady green. I figured power had come back on early, but I was already going somewhere else. I did head back around 6pm, and was informed the power had come back on around 3pm. OF course, again, I didn't win the money raffle.

No plans this week really, since I am waiting for the Company to figure out what they are going to do.


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