Tuesday, June 4

Falling Apart: A Story of My Body

 I sort of did a 'body check' on myself last night. Not like, physically looking over my body, though there was a little bit of that. More like, making note of things that ache, or hurt, or are not in the condition it should be, or not working the way it is supposed to do so. I debated actually writing it all down, and presenting to the Nurse Practitioner at my August visit, but that is never going to happen. I have enough issues with her that I am not happy about, and just adding to the "list" of things she wants me to do with these other body failings.... I ain't got the time nor patience.

My knees and back have always been painful for me. I am sure mostly due to my weight over the past 20 or so years. Yeah, I'm fat. But I add to the injuries with the work comp injury to my back several years ago. Those discs are never going to be normal again. The knees? Imagine being 6+ years old, and riding bikes, doing jumps, and other crazy stuff we did as kids back then. Think of the accidents, and the knee injuries.... I remember one time wrecking the bike, and actually pulling rocks out of the front of my knees. Even the Wife has noticed that the cartilage for my knees is pretty much gone nowadays. I use a cane for balance, as the worse of the knees tends to want to 'slip' once in a great awhile, which usually ends me falling.

The new ache/pain is the right heel. I noticed several months ago, that walking or standing caused some aching in the Achilles tendon area. I guessed I had hit the back of my foot against something, and probably bruised it a bit. But it continued for months now. Actually looking at it last night, I noticed it does not look like the left one. At the area just above where a shoe protects the back of the foot, it is indented. So I must have 'banged' it and stressed the tendon. The Wife ( a PT) says there is probably some damage to it, but only time will fix it. So definitely not telling the NP.

There are other medical things that make the list: diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, liver issues, and if I believe the NP (which I don't) cardiology issues (heart murmur I have had since birth). Sigh. Why do I put bother making this list? It's depressing. I'm already doing what I can to fix as much of the wrong things as I can....

Middle Son came over this morning. He has laundry to do, and the machine in his apartment is broken. Maintenance is backed-up as many units there have broken machines. Guess the Apt Mgmt bought crappy machines to put in the units. So the Son brings his laundry here. I don't complain as it at least gives me a chance to see he is doing fine and kinda catch up a little. Wish Oldest would check in more. I did call him last night. In trying to help his GF get a job, I had her apply at my Company. Well, last week she got onto a project, but decided she could not handle the work (too advanced) and was going to quit. I told her to contact the manager and inquire about training (or videos) to help her understand the program we use. Well, I guess she didn't, and she just quit. I called him last night to find that out. She couldn't even tell me she had just quit. Sigh. OPC (Other Peoples Children) right?

Welp, this has got to be one of the longer posts I have written in awhile. Kept ya from being bored a little longer, I'd say.


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