Thursday, January 27

A Happy Thirsty Thursday

 A friend I have known for about 25 ears called me up yesterday. We had shared a few texts over the past couple months of things going on in his life. He had been having some health issues since about August (I think) and we were not able to hang out like we were able to as before. Then in late December he retired, and went to Idaho for a couple weeks - to visit one his of his step-kids and family. Last we texted he had issues about a bulging disc in his back and was waiting to get into a specialist to see what could be done. Either way, he wants to meet up this Saturday and spend a couple hours together.

The Company contacted me yesterday about a new project starting Friday (tomorrow). So of course I replied I am available and ready to start. This one is slated to last 2-3 weeks, and hopefully will lead right into another project. I have been too idle this last month. Just waiting to hear confirmation I will be on the project as of this point.

I'm pretty much recovered from Vegas. Leg muscles are back to feeling normal (not saying much) and all that were traveling have made it home safely. Such a good time being with friends again, and even enjoying their first look/taste of Vegas was fun. I have no desire to return to Sin City for at least another 20 years. Gambling isn't my thing, and most shows are outrageously expensive (the good ones). I can without the crowds and traffic as well. I mentioned to the Wife on our ride back home on Sunday that if we were to ever go again, we are staying at the South Point hotel. It is more isolated from the Strip, and better restaurant choices (within the casino). Rooms are cheaper and better quality as well. But, we will address that in 20

It's barely 7am, and I have pretty much finished up my regular social media look-ats, my emails, my updated books searches. Thanks to the dog waking me up early. Mainly just waiting around for my work confirmation, then I think meeting up with some other buddies for a couple beers later today.


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