Saturday, January 1

Cranking It Up

 Oy! I am moving a bit slow this morning, and yes, it involved alcohol. I might have imbibed one too many last night. But it was still a  fun evening at a friend's house. Oldest Son went with, and we met some other people that seem pretty alright. Wife even said she had a good time. Of course then midnight came, the fireworks came out, and shortly afterward, we took our leave.

So. It is the first of January. The day of resolutions (which I am not going to go into again). Just past noon and the Wife is still in bed. I know she had a long workday yesterday, and then staying up til the wee hours probably drained her good. I'm sure Youngest is still asleep. He's always sleeping when not in school.

I have nothing going on today. No plans. Kinda boring way to start the new year.


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