Saturday, January 8

Another Saturday

 The first full week of this new year has gone by and I am totally unimpressed with how the start of the year has been. No work project has started (or that I've been called for). The facility The Wife works at has had several new cases of Covid, in patients and workers. This has resulted with testing twice a week for Covid positives. The Wife shouldn't have an issue, as she has had it previously, and also has had the two-shot vaccine. She plans on getting the booster, but is waiting for it to be offered on a Friday, as she is sure she will not feel well the next day, and would prefer to not miss work. Youngest has started back to school. I have read 6 books so far.

No big plans today. Later this afternoon there is an event for Friends & Family at a bar I am a regular at. My friend had bought the place and took over ownership December 1st, and is having this today to sort of celebrate the occasion. I plan on going, and the Wife has not made up her mind yet. She has over the past year been slowly getting out to get togethers with my friends and has met their wives/SOs, so is getting to socialize a little more. She may not stay as late as I would like, so I told her to drive, and I would get a ride or a Lyft home.

Over the last three months, I have lost probably about 10 pounds, and taken in the belt at least a notch. That means I have lost an inch off the waistline I guess. I have not been dieting, and really haven't changed the foods I eat. Just doing smaller portions. Sometimes I will pass up a regular dish and do a salad, if it is somewhere that has a regular salad, not with all that fruit and crap in it. I drink more water, and have cut down on the beer/whiskey intake to a degree as well. It's a slow way to lose large amounts of weight, but some is better than none. I hate "exercise" especially when I know it is such. I try to go 'shopping' with the Wife, where I will be walking more than regular, though, I get exhausted with her shopping methods. This weekend or next we need to get the Youngest out to find him some nicer pants/shirt for an upcoming wedding. I might end up doing that tomorrow afternoon.

I've started having problems sleeping again. I will feel tired and retire at a decent hour, only to be awake around midnight. I waste time trying to watch Netflix or something for a couple hours, then get back to bed. Again last night, and the Wife didn't turn off her alarm, so it went off at 7am, so I was up again. I think most of it is caused by not working. I am not mentally exhausted and able to shut down at night. I don't know, but it sure sounds good to me.

Welp, I have rambled enough about my non-important life that you aren't interested in.


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