Monday, January 31

A Return to Monday

 Here we are at the "start" of the work week again, and I have no work. Turns out that for whatever reason, I was not selected for this new project. Personally, I believe it is because they have so many people not on projects, that everyone is vying for a spot when they have one available. I have reached out to a couple other companies that do the same type of work, but have not heard back from any. Most the other companies seem to want only people with a college degree (which I don't have) even though I have work experience doing the job. Sometimes, I just don't get it.

The weekend came and went. The friend I was to meet up with couldn't make it. I guess he was having a bad back day. Through text he shared he would be doing a series of shots to help alleviate the pain, though I think his better option is to do some Physical Therapy, similar to what I went through for my work comp injury. But he is 15 years older than I, and quite a bit heavier, so maybe that is not a valid option for him. I did go out and met up with a couple others that were going to be there, and had a good visit with them as well. Sunday I just hung around the house.

Nothing major on the agenda this week. Going to be a slow one I feel.


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