Wednesday, February 2

Allergies, Death, and What's Next

 Argh! Yesterday was a terrible day. For whatever reason, my allergies were in full effect, and the pill I take daily for them did nothing to help alleviate. Itchy, watery eyes, causing the nose to constantly be runny, which caused drainage if snot to go down the throat, tickling enough to cause me to cough. Needless to say, by bedtime my eyes and nose felt rubbed raw from all the rubbing and blowing. I even did some Vick's rub to try to ease some of the issues - with no luck. And let's add in to the mix the stomach bug I have/had, so was doing the backyard trots most of the day as well. It is too early this morning to tell if I still have an upset stomach or not, but already the eyes and nose are running.

I'm sure I had mentioned at some point in the past almost three years, that we had inherited two cats from when my MIL had passed away. Well, the other night, the older of the two started passing away. I say started, because you just knew that he was not going to pull through. Lack of use of the back legs, no desire to eat/drink. From past experience, I knew that there was no need to go racking up a vet bill for something they cannot do anything about. I also really didn't want to pay upwards of $200 for euthanasia and disposal. I made him as comfortable as I could yesterday, and when the Wife got home, I left it up to her - after all, it's her cat. It was decided we would just make him as comfortable as we could, and just wait. I have not checked on him this morning, but am hoping he has passed in the night. The middle Son will be over this week, and we can dig a small plot in the yard for Nimbus - even if they say you aren't supposed to bury your pets in the yard. Guess I will find out how he fared here in a few when the Wife wakes for work.

Still no work yet. A friend had forwarded an email for similar work from another company, but I heard nothing, and that was supposed to start today. I'm starting to wonder what am I supposed to do at this point. Nothing coming from the Company I am with, and the three others I have found, contacted, applied at, have not responded to me. Frustrating.

Welp, I've taken my pills this morning, and will have to wait probably at least an hour to tell if the allergy pill is going to work today or not. I should get off here for a few to make sure the Wife is up, and soon thereafter, get the Youngest up and moving so he can catch his bus.


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