Saturday, February 5

Starting It Up on a Saturday

 The Youngest woke me early this morning, around 5:20. Sure, he was only returning to his room after using the bathroom, but it woke me, and I was not able to return to sleep. So, I've wasted the past couple hours pretty much just reading through social media, bored out of my mind.

I know I need to get over to Lowe's at some point today. The handle on our screen door has broken, and if latched, cannot be opened from the outside (as I found out the other night). I mean to do it yesterday, but it slipped my mind, until I was just too lazy to go get it done. I might not even do it today, and let the Wife go and pick it up. I prefer to not go shopping if I don't have to. I have no issues doing the install.

Nothing on the weekend agenda (other than the handle) that I am aware of. Of course the regular stuff still needs to be done: laundry, dishes, etc.


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