Monday, February 21

A Quick Break

 Feels good to be starting another week off with being able to work. Add to that, the Company adjusted the hours so that I can start at 7 (MST) so an earlier star means an earlier finish for the day. Allegedly, the project ends this week, but who knows. Also, they say that there are more projects in the pipeline that we should be re-assigned immediately after this one. We will see if that is true.

With working again, not much new is going on. Daughter and family were up Friday and we were able to go to supper together before they returned home that same day. Sometimes it is nice to know people from the pub, as the place we went, Fuddruckers, a burger joint, the GM is one of those people. He discounted my bill 50% without even asking me. When you are feeding 6+ it is nice to have that kind of discount!

Middle Son had stopped by Saturday to help the Wife plant some flowers around the yard. He also arrived to find two nails in one of his tires. He woke the youngest to "train" him how to change a tire. Today he is back over, after work, to go to Discount Tire and get a replacement. His appointment isn't for a couple more hours, so he is napping on my bed.

Guess I should get back to work.


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