Monday, February 14

Will I Get To Work?

 Today is Project Start day (allegedly) with the Company. Last night I finally got the emails allowing me access to the system. I login this morning, at the required time, and find out that though I do have access to the programs, they have not added me to the MS Teams channel for the project, where the required information files, etc, are located. So, no pre-review of the project info. I emailed to the Lead Mgr, and am waiting to hear back, or have the access granted to me. Can't work without that info. Can't work without the other password I need for the main program as well. Gonna be one of those mornings I guess.

I did end up at the pub with friends for the game yesterday. I was able to meet up with a good friend I had not seen in a couple months. The game was so-so. I had an alright time. I made sure not to stay out late since I had work today.

Well, that was quick. Received access to Teams, and now they are working ont he other issue, as I am not the only one having problems. Guess I will be working today (YAY!).


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