Wednesday, November 16

A Day of Highs and Lows

 Yesterday morning started off as a regular day in the d00d household. The Wife took Youngest to 'zero hour' at school, then went on to work. I got up, a little later than planned (about 8am) and started my workday. A little after 9:30am the Wife calls, and asks me to come pick her up from work. Uh oh, that's not good. I sent off a quick email explaining a family emergency to my 'bosses' and headed out west to where the Wife works.

Monday evening she had not been feeling great (still, with the infections) and noticed her BP was getting a little high. Well, it spiked up bad yesterday, and she could not focus/function so had to leave work. Most of the rest of the day, I lether rest in bed, checking on her to see if she felt better, or wanted to go to urgent care, or something. Her doctor she usually sees was not in the facility yesterday (go figure) so that was a no-go. Finally about the time I need to take Youngest to his evening band practice, she agreed to go to the ER. 

After some time, we were finally admitted back to the ER area, and she was given some pain relief pills, and a dosage of BP meds to see if they could get her BP down to a better level. At one point I had to leave to pick up Youngest, but by the time I made it back to the ER, she was pretty much done. They did give her a 'script for some ear drops to help the ear infection - they said the canal looked pretty swollen, and the drops would work better than an oral medication. They did get her BP down, and today we will see if it will stay down. The Wife is to contact her PCP to see when she can get in (hopefully today).

So I had to email the 'bosses' again this morning, and just lightly explain I would need the next couple days off. Since we were nearing the end of the first part of this project, I said they could remove me, and just let Recruiting know I would be available starting next week for a new project. Today the Middle Son is coming over at some point this morning to drive me to get the Wife's vehicle from her workplace. Then of course, I need to be available to drive her to any appointment, and to fill the 'script she got last night. Thanksfully the Youngest doesn't have any extra practices and no 'zero hour' at school today, so I only have to get him up in time to get ready and catch the bus.

I'm tired though. Yesterday was loong, and being worried about the Wife's health took its toll. I know I was in bed by midnight, but was awake for quite some time after that point. Awake at 4am (thanks to Rusty, that damn cat) but was able to 'nap' until about 5, at which point I knew there was no more sleep to be had. Maybe I can get a nap in after getting the car later this morning. Or will it be later? Middle Son usually gets off work around this time (5:20am) and is only a mile away... who knows?

So if you are inclined, some good thoughts/wishes/prayers for the Wife to be feeling better would be appreciative.


1 comment:

Rev Mom said...

Just happened to get on my personal computer this morning and of course checked your blog - sorry to hear about your wife! Praying for her quick recovery! Sending hugs too. xx00 *If we can help, please let us know.