Friday, July 19

I'm Feeling It ...

 Yesterday was my good buddy's birthday, and of course, we had to meet up for a couple drinks. And a couple more. And so on. I awoke this morning around 11am and am feeling how many drinks we had.... Sad part is, it will happen again Saturday, as his girlfriend wants to throw a surprise party for him (he hates surprise parties). She has been planning it for a few weeks, and the guy that was supposed to take him elsewhere and then to the party location, decided last night he could not do it. And of course, I was asked to take care of it.

So now, how do I come with a valid plan to keep him occupied prior to , and then get him to the event? I have no idea. I am debating just telling him about it (I don't like surprise parties either). Decisions.

It is just now noon. I think I will head up to the VFW today, since I won't be able to be there tomorrow.


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