Thursday, July 4

Take A Little Trip

 Tuesday, the Wife sent me a text out of the blue late in the afternoon. She was feeling torn about a wedding she wanted to attend - it is for a nephew, a son of one of her brothers. Wife wants to go, but the Daughter said she was not going. The big problem is that the wedding is in Ohio, and the final date to RSVP was Tuesday. The Wife felt she could not go alone, dealing with renting a car, booking flights, and hotels.... plus she felt she would truly get lost. So I did what any husband would do, I said I would go with her, and I would take care of all the details for the trip. She should do the RSVP, and we will go from there.

The wedding is set for August 2nd, at 10am. Weird to do it on a Friday, and int he morning at that. Maybe it is the Amish-type way of things, as this family practices in a similar way. What will be nice is a day or so extra before having to be back for work on Monday, that Indianapolis is not too far away, and we plan on flying out of Indy, so will have some time to visit a small bit of family. I've contacted an Uncle, and reached out to my Sister that leaves in Frankfort. Hoping to visit both before flying out on Sunday, but will see. I need to book a hotel for a couple nights in Indy, and find a flight home yet - things to do today.

One stipulation I made to the Wife, about going on this trip, was I was not flying economy. It was going to be first class, or business. No way was I going to be crammed into a little seat for 3+ hours. So it is the first time we have flown first class. I know, it is more expensive, but I told her my comfort was important, too, and it was a vacation of sorts to do the trip. She consented.

Today is the 4th of July. A day of celebration of the USA becoming a nation, even if the date is not historically correct. Last night seemed to open the holiday for the fireworks were popping off all hours of the night. Tonight and through the weekend will be much worse.

Looking forward to a couple things this weekend. Friday, I set up plans to meet with RM for lunch at a diner we both like. I remember they had a good-sized/priced salad there I am looking forward to eating. RM should get the salmon dinner (a jest to her). I'm sure she will read this before we meet-up, and therefore our conversation will have to trend to other things. Then on Saturday, Doodad will be here for the circus! I need to double-check the light rail stops and figure out which one we will need to get off at. Still not sure about supper that evening, and if the boys can make it. I know one of the Sons is moving on Monday....

And with that, I shall end this for now.


1 comment:

Rev Mom said...

UH.... their salads are not that big anymore. Want to switch to Olive Garden so that you can have all the salad you want? Last salad I got there was the side of a cereal bowl.... just saying. Does Black Bear have large salads? Seems like they do - we can consider that as well. I was actually THINKING salad for lunch.... so I'm open to any place that has a nice salad. Cheddars has a decent one, and Zupas has foofoo salads that used to be a good size - haven't gotten any there lately. You will be disappointed at Mercers' - think about it and let me know. Hugs! Looking forward to spending time with you.