Tuesday, July 23

Everything Needs To Be Fixed

 I never did get started on the project yesterday. There were issues with some people getting access into the desktop, so the meeting was delayed. Then when they sent out the MS Teams meeting invites, hardly anyone could get into the meeting (myself included). They determined it was the Microsoft issue from last week, and to log off until further notice. They are supposed to contact via email once they feel the matter has been fixed. Nothing yet this morning.

But it gave me time to take a better look at my computer not starting. It definitely seems power supply related, so I looked up a replacement and cost. Around $112 for the same brand/model. I also emailed my SIL, who built the system for me, and he said I had done pretty much everything he would have done. He was going to look into an idea or two and get back to me. So I will wait on buying the replacement for now. At least I had my old system, even if it runs much slower.

I'm going back to bed. I'll check my emails in another hour or so to see if there is work today.


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