Friday, July 26

Things Always Get Better

 Sigh. It is Friday. Since Wednesday, I have been working on a project for the Company. Originally slated to last only 1-2 weeks, and with a later start, I have no idea how long it will actually go. In a way, I don't care, as I am still taking off Thursday and Friday for the trip. If it is still going on when I get back, lucky me.

Wednesday I also went ahead and ordered a new power supply for the computer. It arrived yesterday, and after completing my work day, I installed it. Everything turned on fine! I am so happy to get the newer system up and running... that old one was just soooo slllooowwww. So I'm back to the faster system, and larger monitor (helps with all the reading I do for work).

Nothing exciting planned for the weekend. I will probably be spending some time writing up a travel journal for our trip. You know what I mean... a list of airline flight info/times, hotels and addresses, etc, so it is all in one place. I told the Wife she will be playing navigator a bit, for the parts in OH I have never been to. She will have to use Google maps to help direct me to what roads I need to turn on, and whatnot.

The Daughter sent me a couple pics of the expected baby yesterday. I guess one could make out some of the facial features, but I couldn't really tell for sure. It is yet to early to determine the sex. I brought up that Mom (the Wife) is planning to be down there around the birth time to help with things, and that I may come down as well. It would be a good time to bond more with Doodad, and help keep her entertained and out of the way so the new mom and baby can rest. Daughter liked the idea, I just won't know if possible until closer to that time.

I guess I should stop wasting time and get back to working....


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