Monday, July 8

Revenge of the Monday

 Whew! I'm tired. And there is so much yet to do today....

Saturday, Daughter, SIL and Doodad came up for the circus. We took the lightrail to downtown (it was free with my tickets) to Footprint (where the Phx Suns (NBA) play) for the circus. I was a bit disappointed. No animals. Daughter had said there was some law passed back like 2016 that they could no longer use animals. I was a bit bummed. So the Ringling Bros & Barnum & Bailey circus is now pretty much just a human show. Trapeze, balancing, jumping on see-saws and flipping each other.... even bicycles just doing little ramp flips. Rather quite boring. But Doodad loved it! For that, I am happy. I add also that it is the first circus the Wife, and SIL had been to as well.

Sunday, I went down to the VFW, and they ended up closing early because no one came in. But before they did, I got a call from a friend and we met up and had a few beers at another place. Then it was home. I was able to get in a couple hours reading at least.

And here it is Monday. The weekly email to the Company is out the proverbial door. Waiting now for the Middle Son to reach out to us. He is moving apartments today. As of last night, he told Youngest that it would later this morning before needing us, but who knows. I expect to spend around three hours helping him move. There isn't much to actually move, so won't be too long.

And with that, I think I am going to lay back down for a bit....


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