Monday, July 22

I'm So Freaking Angry ....

 Friday was a good day. I got an email from the Company stating there is a project starting Monday, and it is only for 1-2 weeks, but still.... I replied I was available but would need 8/1-8/2 off. Reply came back saying that would not be a problem, so over the weekend I waited for project information. The only additional info I got was there is to be a meeting at 9am (my time) for the project. 

So the weekend goes along ... Come Sunday evening, I check my emails, see I have a couple tasks to complete in the online HR for the Company. I get home, and go to the computer and it is off. I always leave mine on, just because, so I asked the Youngest if power had been out. I asked, as there was a warning sent out for extreme dust storm earlier in the evening, and it was pretty bad. He said there had been some flickers of the lights, meaning power hadn't completely gone out, but evidently enough to shut down the computer. I go to turn it on. Nothing. I check the Wife's computer, as it had turned off as well, and it powered up fine. I tried everything I could think of for my computer, changed cords, changed plug-ins, verified connections.... all to no avail. I have a dead computer, and a project to start the next day.

After a couple hours, many, many cuss words, a few fist punches into the metal desk, I gave up. Fortunately, I had my old computer handy as a back up, so I unhooked the newer one, and started switching connections. Then the new monitor I had would not work with the old system, so I had to get out my older monitor (smaller). Booting up the older computer was tense, and took forever (I'm spoiled with my newer system) but it did finally get to the desktop. I verified I had access to email, etc, that the keyboard & mouse were working... then I went to bed.

I got up early this morning to make sure I had everything done prior to the meeting, and that I have access to log-in to the remote desktop. Which I cannot. I did the password reset, and it is blocking me at this time, which basically means the Company hasn't allowed me access yet. The meeting is an hour away.

So I'm frustrated. I have a new computer system that is barely a year old that won't start. No access to the project to start today, my desk is a mess from shifting everything around last night and having to move paperwork, etc. And it is summertime in Arizona so it is freaking hot all the time. I don't have any soda at the house. Just. So. Freaking. Angry. 

Sigh. Hope your day is better than mine...


1 comment:

Rev Mom said...

wow. Sorry to hear about all the issues! I have a laptop you can use if you want, until you can get yours fixed. No problem in letting you use it. It may have partially to do with the crash in - I can't think of the name of it - but the company computer systems were null and void Friday and over the weekend. They were having employees take their computers to various areas to be fixed manually. Luckily, I was on PTO and I had shut my computer off and therefore was not affected with the crash. If you want this computer, you are welcome to it. Just let me know.