Tuesday, July 30

Prepping for the Trip

 I rolled out of bed (almost literally) just a short time ago. With work, I usually try to rise early and get started, but today I just couldn't do it. So as I got on my computer this morning, following my regular routine, I checked messages on my phone. One was from the Review Mgr of this project for the Company. Basically, it said this level of the project was completed, and they were waiting Client approval for the next stage, at which if we were needed , they would contact us. So basically, I'm done for now. I do have the skillset to do the next couple levels, but I never know how many they will have approval to pay for by the client. Which is fine. I leave Thursday for Ohio.

Speaking of the trip, I will be doing much to get ready for it today since I don't have to work. Laundry for one. Then I need to "dig out" the luggage we will be using. Haven't used it for about eight years, so I'm sure the Wife has piled stuff up on it in storage. I did start a travel journal yesterday, yet need to finalize the flight info for our return to AZ in it. I was showing it to the Wife last night, and she was impressed, and liked the idea of us writing all the trip info down, then highlights of the trip. I mentioned now that we are almost empty nesters, we could use it for any trip we take. She seemed to like that.

Youngest is up this morning, early for him. I think I will make him dig out the luggage. Then maybe we can do lunch today later, since I ain't working.


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