Wednesday, July 24

Today is the Day

 Yesterday, late in the afternoon, the email came from the Company. Today we are having the meeting to start work on this project. Allegedly they have fixed whatever they deemed the problem was, and everything should work fine. I'm not holding my breath....

So, I'm sitting here at 8am, still waiting for this thing to start. I really could use another hour of rest (in my opinion) but it is what it is. 

Nothing else exciting going on. Next week we leave for Ohio. Still not sure how I feel about that, but hoping things work out that I will get to visit my sister and Uncle as planned.

I ordered some new shorts for the trip. They should be here Thursday. The SIL emailed me back (re: my computer) and said I had tried the things he would have tried. So it sounds like it is the power supply. I should order one today so I can replace it this weekend, though I'm leery putting out the $$ if I am not 100% sure it is the issue. SIL said he was going to check out another idea and get back to me, so maybe I will just wait.

And of course, there always has to be something that irritates me. This morning it is my keyboard. One of the support legs (on the underside) broke this morning. So for now, I have something stuffed under one edge to hold it up so I am able to type, versus the keyboard being at a flat angle. I know I have a spare leg around here somewhere, from when this happened before on another similar keyboard. I just need to find it. A quick look found nothing this morning.

With that, I'm outta here....


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