Saturday, April 10

Biding Time

 Geez. A whole week went by, and nothing exciting happened. Work did contact me one night about a special short-term project, and I responded I was available the next day, not at 4:30 in the afternoon (I was out at the bar). They never contacted back, so either they finished it, or I wasn't needed. So, still here waiting the next project.

Spent some time on Warcraft this past week. Leveling up characters, getting better gear for others. Wasting time pretty much. Thought several times of watching Netflix stuff, but just haven't been in the mood.

Hung out for a short bit with my Brother at the VFW last night. They had some karaoke, so I did one song. He is trying to talk me into becoming an auxiliary member (Non-Service status) which is like $250 for lifetime membership. True, drinks are cheaper there, though it is a bit farther than my regular hangout. Supposedly I wouldn't HAVE to volunteer for anything, or serve time on projects the VFW does. I dunno. Tomorrow they are having a "Family Day" at the VFW post, and he invited me to it as well. No way would my 15 yr old go, and why would I? Oh, because the bar is open, and drinks are cheaper. Supposedly it starts at 10am, so have no clue if I will go or not.

Believe it or not, I have to gotten into the Turtle Pie that RM sent home just before Easter. Actually, I just remembered I put it in the freezer. I may have to set it out so I can have some after dinner. The excitement in my life....


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