Saturday, April 3

Breakfast in Bed (Almost)

 The middle Son showed up this morning, with breakfast. The Wife and I were still asleep, after all, it was 6 AM on a Saturday. My alarm was set to go off in 30 minutes, so I just went ahead and got up. Sausage, egg mcmuffins from McDs isn't bad for breakfast, especially when the Son paid for it. He is tired from a long night of working, but still was able to come over this morning to help us out with some stuff.  Plus I needed to get some new car insurance info to him and his roomie, the oldest Son.

Still no plans for Easter weekend. I will probably end up at the pub this evening for a little while. The Wife hasn't said anything about tomorrow, so I assume she will attend church, and I will sleep in.

Finished up the work project Friday afternoon, so it looks like I am in the waiting stage for the next one. hope they don't take as long as they have on the past couple, in regards to getting it started and getting the recruits. I also hope it is a longer project, and that they move me into QC again. The money is always nice, and the extra time on a project just prevents less idle time for me.


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