Thursday, April 15

Feeling Good - Well, Better, Anyways

 I've been up all of  minutes this morning, and I am waiting to find out how I am feeling, health-wise, today. Why do I have to wait? Am I not able to tell from the *snap, crackle, pop* of getting out of bed for morning absolutions? Sometimes yes, most times no. I wear a CPAP at night to help with my apnea, and when it comes to my allergies, or anything sinus related, I have to wait sometimes up to an hour afterward removing the CPAP to find out how I am going to be. The CPAP just makes breathing so much easier, with the cleaner air (filter). So far, it feels like maybe the sinuses have finished that final "running" from the head cold. I am sure I will know soon.

As I stated yesterday, I did get a new project for work. It is supposed to last only a handful of days, but I started in on this one at a higher pay grade (bonus). I do not know if I will proceed to a more detailed position for this project after this stage, but have the qualifications for it at least. If not, it will be off to another one. This week with a bit of a later start, I can work as many hours as needed (daily) as I won't hit the 40 hours/week (bonus). Plus, the operation hours for this one are based on Eastern time, so I can start as early as I want (bonus).

Doodad's birthday is coming up next week, and I just haven't found her a special 'Papaw gift'. The Wife found a wonderful idea for not only her birthday, but Mother's Day for the Daughter, and Father's Day for the SIL. I was thrilled about that, so at least we have a back-up, as well as the forty-three thousand other things we bought her (exaggerating, just a little). I remember the In-Laws, and my own parents showering our first with gifts upon gifts, as for both sides, it was like the first grandchild.

Anyways, seems I am still having some nasal drainage (great to hear about from someone else first thing in your day, right?) and it is making me cough a little. guess another day of OTC cold pills to help. Off to start the work day! 


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