Tuesday, April 20

Mind Mush

 That is what is between my ears currently. After working part of the day Saturday, and Sunday, for work, Then continuing on into the regular work week.... My mind is just worn out today. Supposedly this project is to end tomorrow.. However, it looks like there is still at least a couple days of work in the QC area I am working in currently. So I have no clue if they got an extension... or what. Guess I'll find out as it happens.

Yesterday was actually Doodad's bday. My parents had gotten me to thinking it was today... and I should have known better. I'm a bad Papaw. But we did get to video chat with her and the Daughter for quite awhile last night at least.

I'm off to go find something to do that doesn't require thinking.


1 comment:

Rev Mom said...

"Your parents"? I read your blog and saw it was 'Tuesday'. PT said it was 2 days before his.... and like your daughter said when I apologized for not sending a gift earlier.... we wouldn't have found out until the 20th since she was born at 11:52PM on the 19th. You can be sure I have it in my calendar now with a yearly reminder. :-)