Sunday, April 25

The Early Morning Ramblings

 Welcome to 2:30 AM and the state of wakefulness I am experiencing. I laid down for the night around 10PM, but by almost 1:30AM I knew there was not going to be any sleeping soon for me. I have spent most of the last hour going through YouTube and watching movie trailers that have been posted in the last week. I keep a notebook (actually, a few of them) around my computer for me to make notes on stuff. One for books, their release dates, movies I want to see, even songs I come across I like and want to add to my Spotify list(s). Of course, I have another notebook just for websites and the log-ins and passwords. So many sites require a "certain number of digits, consisting of a capital letter, a number, and another type of character" that I cannot remember all of them anymore. Things were much easier when I could use one email/password combo for sites I don't care if they were hacked, and another combo for important things. Those days are long past. Lastly, I have a notebook, literally, for notes. Usually jottings on how to do a feature in Excel for work, or a quick reminder for me to check something later that day. If any notes get jotted there, and are important, they become post-its to be added to wherever I need to add them. Am I wasting paper? I don't care. 

This last week for work has been a pretty exhausting one. Seems like each day I was learning a new part of what they want Quality Control to do (at least to this project). I hope this is not a regular thing, as it is nothing like what I did when I first moved into this QC stuff. Either way, it is good to learn this stuff. I get more pay per hour, as it 'levels' up the pay-grade for this type of work. Supposedly, the project was to have ended Wednesday, but Friday they were still working on it late into the night. Saturday I did get an email stating they need anyone that can help to work on Sunday still to try to finish it up. I don't think I will be helping. I want to, and it would help make me look better to the higher-ups that I am willing to go further for the company ... but being up this late, and who knows how long before I will get tired, it would not be beneficial to try to work on sensitive stuff whilst trying to stay awake. So I hope tomorrow (later today) there will be an email stating the project finally finished, as they have already said there is another lined up for us to transfer.

Let's clear some air (for RM) ... Yes, the comment about Tuesday being Doodad's bday and that I said my parents made me think that is because it is true. Whatever day I had come by last, we kinda mentioned it coming up, and  PT said it was two days before his. Off the top of my head, that sounded about right, so I went with it. Okay, so it's three days before his... at least you wrote it down. I don't mess with calendars anymore. Even ones on my phone.

Thinking I am starting to get over this cold I had gotten awhile back. It had been like a head cold for a few days, then just a sinus infection, then it started to try to drop down into the chest. I started a Vick's chest rub throughout they day for the past few days, and I think it is finally reaching the end stages. Probably would have gone faster if I didn't smoke... but oh well. I've cut back pretty good since working from home. As long as I don't go to the pub, I don't smoke near as much as I used to.

RM has mentioned that she recently got her second shot of the Covid vaccine (Friday I think it was). The Wife has mentioned she has the first one for her scheduled sometime here soon. I hope it is free as we don't currently have insurance. I have not placed any thought about getting it myself. I think I tend to lean with RM's thinking, of why do I need this? Everything I hear about anything Covid related is just fluff and dander to me - meaning, I can't believe any particular thing, because there is some other source out there that says the opposite. What/Who is considered correct and worthy of trusting the information? I know I can't figure it out, so I go with what I think. The Wife tested positive for Covid last year, and was advised to 'self-quarantine the family' for 14 days (which we did). Myself and the two younger boys never came down with being sick like the Wife had, and so never got tested either way. This head cold has been pretty much the only time I have been sick since this whole thing started (except for upset tummy every now and then). Am I immune? Have I just not been fully/properly introduced to it (even though the Wife had tested positive)? I don't know. I just have no desire to do a two-shot of a vaccine that I may not necessarily mean. Then I also read today, that AZ Health officials are okaying the us e of the J&J one-shot vaccine even though the issue about a "rare blood clot" chance. Would I want to roll my dice on that one either? Heck no!

Don't feel much like writing about anything else about now, even though I got plenty of time. Not sire if I am going to go to Netflix and watch some shows, or play some Warcraft. I know I ain't feeling tired enough to lay down yet. Wish me some luck.


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