Wednesday, June 30

And a week Later, How NOT to Stay Busy

 Yep. Been a week of me not being busy, even after I wrote a post about how I was going to be busy. Lies. Fractals of truth I chased that never came together to do anything.

Still waiting to hear about the "next project" the company may have for me. I admit though, with leaving to ND in less than 10 days, I could care less, today. I'll care more once I get back.

That leaves lots of idle time for me. More drinking of beer. More online gaming. More time with the Wife (she may not like that one as much).

Not much else to say. Going to my buddy J's for the 4th. I'm bringing deviled eggs. Never done 'em before, so I asked the Daughter for her recipe regarding the yolks... and I asked RM. The Daughter sent me back this recipe that had all sorts of specific "juice of this", "spice of that" I was like... what? This evening I saw the text RM sent me, and her recipe is more my style.... bit of this, some of that, lil dis, lil dat... taste it, add more of whatever it is missing. RM seemed to take offense, when I replied back I was going to look at a couple internet recipes, just to get a clear idea since her's and my Daughter's recipes were so varied. Oh well. I'm still bringing deviled eggs to the party on the 4th, even if no one likes them.

Wife is taking Middle Son to the Mercury (womens NBA) game tomorrow. The Suns play in LA for game 6. Be nice if they won, but after the game the other night, who knows. It's basketball, I don't care.


1 comment:

Rev Mom said...

I wouldn't say I was 'offended'.... I was just surprised. Judging from compliments I get whenever I make deviled eggs to any gathering, I had assumed they were pretty good. And very simple to make. In fact, I make them frequently just for us. Great protein pick-me-up. But do what you want. :-)