Friday, September 16

A Friday Post

 I'm tired this morning. Not for any one specific reason. I'm just feeling tired. Not sleepy. Tired. I don't know if it is just age, mental status, or what, but I'm just 'here' this morning.

Work is still going. Have been informed we are moving into another phase for this project, which by my estimation, means we will be working into the middle of next week. Not sure if it will be longer than that or not. Either way, it is still more work, and that is good. Especially considering this was supposed to be a week long project for me in the beginning. Now it's turned into a month, just because they are finally able to see that I know how to do more than they let me before. Did that make sense? I'm not even going to try to re-read it to see if it did.

We had pizza last night that I picked up on my way home from the pub. I was a bit irritated at them though. I ordered through the app, and they have where you enter the code and the door opens, you get your pizza. Well, they had put my order on the two lowest drawers/doors. So imagine my hefty, overweight self, trying to balance a cane, bend over to collect two pizzas. Needless to say, I made it about halfway upright before dropping one, face down of course. A nice guy stopped and picked it up for me, I told him to don't bother opening it to check on the pizza, I was so embarrassed already, and practically ran out the door. The pizza survived mildly, having only some of the toppings misplaced fromt heir original settings. I know they had no knowledge of who placed the order and all that, but c'mon! Every drawer above it was empty - why use the bottom ones if not necessary?

Welp, I should get on with what needs to get done.


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