Tuesday, September 19

Feeling Overwhelmed

 I went out yesterday for a bit. I admit, I probably had a couple too many. Talking with my friend, the attorney, and mentioned about how tonight is the MANDATORY Seniors meeting at the school for Youngest, and my friend got me riled up. Mainly because he states by law they cannot make it mandatory. I showed him the email, and he corrected me that it is the Senior would not walk with their class, if they didn't attend. I'm sure Youngest doesn't care. And he has to miss half of the band practice time to go to the meeting... Sigh. Frustrating.

So after getting home, got into an argument with the Wife over this MANDATORY meeting. Ended up being irritated and sitting at the computer until 5am, before finally going to bed. And I slept until 1pm. I only got up because I had to pee.

I received an email from the attorneys working on my accident case. I guess my deposition is set for later October. Every time stuff comes up on this, I get anxious feelings, and irritated one, that this has gone on for so long.

The Company sent me an email for a project starting tomorrow. I think I will just 'accidently lose' the email. The duration is only for a week, and honestly, I am just a mess of emotions today, that I just don't feel the desire to work for one week. If I sit idle another week, I sit idle.

Well, I know it is early afternoon, but I think I will jump int he shower, then get through the rest of the day.


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