Wednesday, September 20

Things Calmed Down ....

 As I was typing away, furiously because of the amount of content I had to post here, my phone had made a noise, something like 'Woo Hoo, text message'. I ignored it of course, as getting all that important information of what was going on in my head had to come first, so you would have something to read. Afterwards, I had kind of forgot about it, until I checked my phone about an hour later. The message was a text, and it was from the Company...? Now I had never gotten a text message from the Company before, though I have had a couple phone call sessions with managers, in regards to some specific details about a project. The message basically read, that I had an email from them regarding a project available, and to please check my emails for it. 'Hmmmm, they must really want me on this project, if they are texting me', I thought to myself. So that settled my thinking about just skipping this project, and I went to my email to answer it. I don't know if it is a new protocol they are using, or what, but they have a few questions (about 7 if I remember correctly) that have to be answered in your reply. Most are regarding things like: Are you able to start on the start date, Commit to working at least 8 hours day, does your system meet this minimum standard, is your wifi/ethernet at least this speed... that kind of stuff. This one had a couple questions about had I worked for such-n-such client before (no) and some thing about (this place) where I guess the review would be about (no). There was one question about if I had worked CDR documents review before. OF course I had, so I replied yes, then clarified it with my level of expertise in the CDR work field. Within a half hour I had a reply that this particular project was a high level CDR review, and my skills were just not quite there yet, so they were returning me to the availability queue. So back to waiting again.

I did attend the MANDATORY school meeting last night (waste of two hours) with the Youngest. It was mostly about preparing for college, financial aid resources, etc. None of which apply to us, as the Youngest is saying he has no plans for college. I am trying to get him to see if there is some kind of technical training school he could attend, but no luck so far. There was also minimal information regarding graduation. I did learn it will be at the old Coyotes arena (Desert Diamond) around the last week of May. Also we got the information from where to purchase cap and gown stuff. Otherwise, it was walking around and sitting through brief discourses about things that were, quite frankly, boring. I did get to meet the young lady the Youngest is "seeing", and her mother, who happens to be a teacher at the high school. Also ran into a old friend who also had a son graduating this year. I may have shared about us meeting prior a few short months ago at a funeral for a mutual friend.

The Damn Cat woke me early this morning, by knocking over a laundry basket in the bedroom. It made enough noise to rouse me from sleep. Well, more like startle me awake. I knew I wasn't getting anymore sleep right away so went ahead and got up. I guess you can thank him for the early post today.


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