Saturday, March 13

Nothing Changes

 It is nice to be back to work on a project. This newest one finally started around midday on Thursday, and is expected to last about three weeks. This project is a little different than previous ones I have worked, so I am getting to "learn" a different aspect of the job. I just feel good being able to apply time to a job, versus sitting around waiting for something to happen.

RM has been writing about PT (my stepdad) the past couple days on her blog. In short, his current car is supposedly in "dire" need of repairs that just aren't cost productive for the age of the car. So "they" are looking for a newer vehicle for him. Several months ago, I had breakfast with PT, and we talked about him "hanging up the keys". The response was one I was not happy with, and in honesty, was not surprised to hear it from him - "I will pray on it". Which means it went nowhere. I have refused to ride with him for several years - back when we were able to meet for breakfast every now and then. His driving had (to me) became too erratic, and I did not feel comfortable as a passenger. He has even admitted to me, about falling asleep at a red light while driving, though it was only a "couple seconds". RM is just kind of "rolling with the flow" about the whole car thing. I know you should pick your battles carefully, but this one just irritates me to no end. Sorry, Mom... but that is just how I feel.

And speaking of getting newer vehicles, we are still looking. I have settled on getting a Toyota Rav4 LE X and now my only problem is finding on in town that is in a color I want - no black, white or "bright" colors for me. I would prefer silver, grey or charcoal, but I haven't found any yet. I may have to have one ordered shipped in to get my color choice. The Wife hasn't really made up her mind about it all yet. She wants to look at some other vehicles in person. My time frame was to have one before our trip to Tucson this month, so I am hoping to find a color I can live with, as it looks like it will be my new vehicle that gets here first.

The Youngest has started Spring Break. After this next week, it has been decided the school will open the doors and students will attend physical classes again. THANK YOU LORD! He has struggled with at least two classes, with grades, due to not doing homework, or staying awake during class time online. In theory, he has actually gotten the grades above the F mark, but I don't have finally info on that. But being in class will make him concentrate on homework better - having in class time to work on it, plus having to hand in a physical piece of homework versus email. The Son has admitted it would help him be more responsible about it all.  I can agree with that. The Wife and I as parents, have tried everything we can to get him to be responsible about his school work this whole time it has been online. Physically, I can't make him do things that would help him. But even checking on him every hour (to make he is not sleeping again) and taking away other electronics (tablet, etc) nothing seemed to work. Being back in the classroom would be good.

Nothing much else going on. I'm headed up to the pub midday to help out a computer illiterate friend to pay his taxes online. Long story. But we will have a couple drinks and then I'll come back home.

Guess that's about it.


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