Thursday, August 19

Dying A Little Inside Everyday

 The pain is still there, but once more has lessened in its intensity. I prodded the side, and had to poke moderately to feel some pain. Still feeling a spike when I take a deep breathe. Overall though, less than yesterday, so hopefully by the weekend will be pretty much gone.

Went out to the pub again last night. This sitting around the house doing "nothing" has been really bothering me lately. I admit, I didn't drink any soda. The night before I had so much, it took until about 4am to get to sleep (sugar and caffeine I am sure). So I switched it up to water, and slowed down the intake so I wouldn't be having to use the facilities every 20 minutes. After having a few pitchers, I decided I was going to have a couple drinks, and see how I felt today. Success! Hydrating and very low alcohol intake seems to not bother my side, so that's good to know.

My buddy I spoke about yesterday is supposed to get his test results today. I am sure he will want to get out for a couple beers if he is negative - after being stuck at home the last week plus. Got an update on another older friend yesterday as well. He had had a stroke (3rd, maybe 4th) about 3 weeks ago. He has been in a rehab/hospice setting since. The girlfriend won't let him come back to her home, due to him having a couple psychotic episodes (controlled back down with meds) which worries/scares her. But she is working with the VA and State to get him someplace (he can't live on his own). I guess they are talking about putting him in LTC for a short term, before getting him into a place where he will be able to interact with others in common places, etc. Heck of a thing for one of our veterans.

The Wife just left to go "shopping". Great. She says it some new place she heard of that does discount pricing on stuff. Like Fridays items are $5, Saturday they got o $4, and so on down to Thursday ($.50) but she has no idea of the quality or even what they have as it changes weekly. I wonder how much junk she gonna bring home that we don't need. Sigh. Trade-offs.

Though I slept in this morning, I think I may be taking an afternoon nap. For now though, I'll eave you here as I go off and read some other stuff.


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