Monday, August 16

Pain is Good ... or is it?

 Friday morning, aside from returning to work, I also noticed I had a pain in my right side. I occasionally get muscle cramps since I don't seem to drink enough water, so I kind of put it aside, thinking it was a sore muscle from s aside cramp. Saturday it was still there, and I just thought, well, maybe it is a muscle strain. like I turned the wrong way, or lifted something heavier than I should have - even though I could not recall any of that happening. Sunday it was still there, and not seeming to 'get smaller' or go away. This morning, it is still there in good force. I'm leery of trying to look up possible symptoms on the internet, because you know where that will lead. I don't have health insurance currently, since coverage was with the Wife's employer, that ended back in October. It's not a constant pain, just when I exert outer pressure on that side, or roll over, or take an overly large deep breathe. I still think it is muscle related somehow.

Anyway, up at 1am this morning. Went to bed around 9pm, so got at least 4 hours of sleep in. Might be able to get back in bed after while and sneak in a couple more hours before needing to get up for work.

Tonight the Middle Son has finally arranged his schedule for his Bday dinner (bday was a couple weeks ago) so we are doing that.


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