Wednesday, August 25

'Round 'n 'Round it Goes, When Will it Stop....?

 Tuesday late afternoon, the knee was feeling a bit better. I decided to go hang out with some friends for a bit. We went to a pub I hadn't been to in a few days - not our regular place, but near it. We had only been there about an hour, when I figured out how I hurt the knee.

I had headed to the restroom (desire was string after 3 pitchers of water - yes, I was not drinking any alcohol) and pushed open the men's room door. At this locale, the restroom door is a hard open, and has what I call a stiff spring on the door, meaning the spring-action that shuts the door automatically, is too tight, and requires more force to open/close, and it shuts harder than average. Well, as I pushed it open, balanced as I was on my legs and cane, the door came swinging shut before I was fully through the door. By bumping my side, it threw me a little off balance, causing me to twist the right leg (at the knee) just a little. This time it twinged with pain, that I did a no-no. I recalled being at this pub the night before I noticed all this new knee pain. That evening, though I now knew to expect this when opening the door, it still happened twice more. I'm pretty sure this is how I hurt the knee. So, in a way, that is good to know.

Wednesday goes fine. Still resting and off the legs/feet as much as possible to help speed up the knee recovery. No side pains, or anything else to note. We decided to go to a local pizza place for dinner as 25% of all meals bought were being donated to the HS Band where the Youngest is attending (and is in the band). AS I went to get into my vehicle to leave, I felt like I had literally sat on my testicles. Quickly I jumped out of the seat, and kind of grabbed the 'boys' and was thinking to myself 'WTH?' I slowly lowered myself back into the seat, and still just felt the discomfort, as you guys know, of being knocked in the nards. It faded as we drove and had dinner. Though when we went to leave the pizza place, it flared again as I sat in my seat, though I was being cautious about how I lowered myself into the car.

Once we got home, I shifted out of my clothes into some gym shorts to go sit in front of the computer. As I lowered into the office chair, again that pain, though now I am also feeling some back pain near the spine on the left side. I go to bed, and certain movements shifting from side to side, getting into/out of bed, etc, caused these pains to flare. So like most morons, I google my symptoms. I read probably about twenty entries from cancer to clogged veins, but never had the same symptoms, until I get to the very bottom of one page. Lower back pain, and pain in the groin/lower abdomen - caused more than likely from the spinal nerve being pinched in the lumbar section. 

My work comp injury from about 4-5 years ago - slippage of the L4 or L5 disc, causing distress to the spinal nerve. My knee hurting and causing me to "change" my gait, causing muscles to work differently, thus causing my back pain. Great. Things just seem to multiply around me these past two weeks. My guess is if I can "heal" up the knee pain, stay off of it, etc, things should shift back into the normal range for me. Hopefully before my birthday coming up.

Sigh. Feels like a lot to wish for....


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