Monday, May 16

Another Late Night to Start the Week

 I just gave up laying in bed for the last hour plus. When I went to bed, I felt tired, physically and mentally, but once in there, the mind just won't shut down. Not stress or worries, just things I know I need to get done this week like appointments, etc. My usual methods of trying to empty my head and relax the body just weren't working well tonight, so finally just decided to get up for a bit. Figured I could throw some words here, maybe watch an episode or two, and take another try at sleeping.

Just got news this morning that the Oldest Son will not be available Wednesday to celebrate his birthday. Seems he had just found out that night, by phone, from the store manager, that they are sendinghim up to the Payson store. Evidently, something about their inventory crew supposedly 'walked out' with only a week until their inventory. I hope they are compensating him well for the traveling, with the comps for food and hotel. He said he wouldn't make it back until Friday, shortly before he has to return to his store for his regular shift that night. I guess we will try for another time the following week. We do have a couple presents for him.

Nothing exciting happened this weekend. I went out Saturday and hung out at teh VFW for a few. Sunday I stayed home and pretty much played on the computer. Watched a few episodes, played some video games. Have my diabetic eye screening tomorrow, with the  regular eye exam as well. SO I should have a prescription for new glasses I will go shopping for new frames and all after getting our vision insurance info from the Wife in the next day or so. I might splurge this time and get those tints that darken in light, and lighten in dark - forget what it is called. Usually I just do the anti-scratch and glare. Think I just might splurge....

Welp, not much else I can think to write about. I see that Phoenix Suns (NBA) lost  Game 7 to the Dallas Mavericks tonight. Guess they are now done for the year.


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