Thursday, April 16

Surgery Day

The Youngest goes under the knife today for the pins in his arm. Doesn't sound very dramatic, but my lack of sleep last night proves that even I am worried about it on some level. What if something goes wrong? What if it gets infected and they mess it all up? What if one of us comes down with something worse just being in the hospital? What if? What IF?? WHAT IF???

Yeah. Went to bed like 9:30ish to get plenty of sleep... I kow if was after 1:30 before I fell asleep, and had a couple wake-ups during the night. Finally got up about 6:40... though the alarm was set for 7:30. Parental, instinctual fears? I don't know. But it may be nap time when we get back home this afternoon.

Gotta get some stuff done before we leave.


1 comment:

Rev Mom said...

praying for our grandson this morning.