Wednesday, March 16

A Little Time Off

 My last project for the Company ended around midday Thursday. One of the first things I completed Monday morning was to contact the Company and "remind them" that I was available for any upcoming projects. That afternoon I was contacted about one, and of course let them know I was interested. Yesterday I received the details of said project, and today, around 1pm AZ time I get to start. This one is only for a week, but may lead into some Quality Control work (which is at a higher pay grade, and I could use more practice at). Worse case, is after a week it's back to waiting on another new project.

Youngest is on Sprong Break this week. No big plans to do anything. I think he slept most of the day yesterday, though Monday the Middle Son had woke him up early (before me) and he did spend the whole day awake. I've been thinking of doing Subway for lunch today, so if he isn't up by 10'ish I'll wake him and tell him if he wants a sandwich he has to go with me. I can't remember what he wants on it, etc. Besides, won't hurt for him to get up and ride along.

With the late start in the day for this new project, I suppose I will be working until 5-6pm. LAter in the day than I like. But starting tomorrow I can start as early as 6am (thanks for daylight savings!) and be done at 2pm. I still need to run to Walgreens to pick a card out, and some chocolates I figure, for a little get-together at the pub tonight. One of my good friend's girlfriend is celebrating her bday a day early. Which works out fine. I hate going out on St Patricks Day due to all the amatuer drinkers on the road.

Welp, Guess I should go make sure the Wife is up and getting ready for work since I am up early today.


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