Tuesday, March 29

Hangry as Heck

 Today you get a partial post that started later in the day on Monday. Only because as I was working, I realized there was more I wanted to blab about. For starters, I am HUNGRY! I got up earlier than usal so I could get a full day of work in before going to my afternoon lab appointment. An hour into work, I had a granola bar for breakfast. Morning continues, and around 10 I started getting hungry for lunch. AS I am looking int he fridge for leftovers, or something I can microwave quick, I remembered I was supposed to be fasting for 8 hours prior to my appointment. Oh well, guess it will only be about 7 hours. I still have about 2-3 hours yet before I can get something to eat, and now it seems all I can think about is how hungry I am. Hungry? No, hangry. I am being crabby even when I am talking to myself (because no one else is here). Argh!

Whilst in Tucson we went to dinner at a place near the Daughter's house. It was called Dominick's Real Italian. I was leery about what the food might be like (the 'real' in the title). It was a smallish place, in a shoppping center, though not a stand-alone building. They had a place for some outside dinig, though we ate inside. They had average prices, and not a lot in selections. I opted for the Dominicks Chopped Salad, entree size, as it was the only thing that sounded good to me. The salad was good and filling! 

Sunday we just IHOP for brunch, and I was frustrated with them. I ordered a burger, and fries for the side. They are out of fries. I opted for onion rings. They are out of onion rings. The onlt two side options left were two pancakes or a side salad. I am not a fan of pancakes, so chose the salad, with 1000 Island. They are out of 100 Island dressing. Do they Italian dressing? No but did have some kind of vinagrette, so I tried it. Wasn't bad, but I wasn't wanting a salad with my burger. I just couldn't believe they are out of fries, even if they promote breakfast more than other things.

Tuesday: So, already this morning I got an email saying the results of the lab work are in. I'll prpbably look at them, and have to wait until the 18th at the next Dr appointment, to actually have them explained to me.

Today is hopefully another day of work. The team was told last week we would be moving up to the next stage once the current workload finished. It should have been done yesterday afer I logged out for the day. Guess I'll find out here in a afew. Then I have another appointment - this one at the dealership for an oil change. Went over the 5000 mark whilst drivingthis weekend.

Okay, that's it until tomorrow.

Edit: Well, that next step at work didn't happen, but was re-assigned to a new project with a 5 hour wait until it starts. Hope they get me the access to it prior to that time....


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