Wednesday, March 9

Foggy in the Head

 Last night I went out for a bit. It was Tuesday, and there is a hot dog vendor that sets up outside one of my regular pubs that I like to order from. But that was not why I went out. Yesterday was my Dad's birthday, even though he has been gone since 1985, yet it is the day that I chose to be a day of remembrance for him. I mean, I think of him throughout the year, but this day is his. A couple friends joined me, and we lifted a few to Dad. Needless to say, getting up early this morning was a feat that required extra effort. I can't drink like I used to when I was younger.

Work is moving along. Monday they mentioned it may end Thursday or Friday, but looking at the progress being made as of today, it may not last through the end of today. I'm okay with that. I may take the next couple days free and then send an email over the weekend stating available next week. Of course, I still need to find and update the resume before I can do that, according to the new policy. Hopefully this new workflow procedure will allow projects to get to me more often than the recent months have shown.

Welp, I guess I should finish up this break and get back to work.


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