Tuesday, March 21

Civic Duty, My Ass...

 Last month I received in the mail a little postcard "requiring my immediate response". Of course, it was that nasty Jury Summons that I was hoping to never see again. It's a "civic duty" to be called to serve on a jury. Bah! It sucks! Over the past 30 years, I have received this summons 9 times. I have served once, on a 2-day trial, been sent home from the courts 6 times, did not have to appear 1 time, and, yes I am publicly admitting that I broke the rules and could suffer penalties, but I refused to respond or acknowledge or even go for one of the summons. That last one was about 3 years ago, in the middle of moving between houses, so I figured I could claim it was sent to the wrong address. You would think, in the Valley of over a million people (combined living area/cities) that there would be more people to randomly select from, instead of me having to do it almost like every 3 years. The selection system sucks!

Either way, tomorrow is my "special day". Of course, I will call this evening after 5pm, to see if my group number is still needed to attend or not. Here's hoping I won't have to go. In the meantime, now they are FORCING me to go out and spend money. Huh, you ask? Well, I don't own any pants (aside from a pair of trousers for my wedding/funeral suit). The court 'frowns' upon shorts (even in Arizona) so I have to go out today and find a pair. Savers and Goodwill are first on the list to see if they have any in my size, preferred color(s), and in decent shape. 

Sigh. I really hate clothes shopping, even if it is for me.

On the plus side, I have put shopping off until closer to the noon hour so I have an excuse to get something to eat from somewhere. I'm thinking Popeye's, but have not decided. A sub sandwich sounds good, too. And while I am out, I should stop at the local grocery and see what kind of cheaper soda I can get (aka Big K brand). My usual Mtn Dew/Pepsi products are getting pricey, even at the dollar store. Maybe look at some snacks, too. Oh man, I better eat before I go to the store....

Anyways, welcome to my whiny day (thanks AZ courts).


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