Thursday, March 9

You be Creative ....

I sat here for several minutes this morning, trying to clear the cobwebs in my head, and deciding what I feel like sharing this morning - if anything. So far all I have accomplished is getting my sugar and BP checks done (both were fine). I haven't even got to popping the handful of pills yet, though between sentences typed, I am getting out each day's dose. Now I am debating if I should take the allergy pill or not. Yesterday was not too bad with the runny eyes, etc, but I also was hardly outside. Might as well take one to be safe. So, you be creative, and pick a post title.

Today, I tell myself, I am going to get things done. I need to take some pictures of the damage to my office chair, to send off for the claim on it. I'm going to include some of the wear and tear as well, to help encourage them. Which reminds me I still need a picture of the Wife's Drivers License, as I am trying to get her birth certificate ordered. Arizona has delayed several times the requirement for air travel, a special "star" on your DL, that can only be obtained by providing proof of residency. Funny, but how did we get a driver's license without the birth cert before? Duh! Either way, she only has a basic photocopy of hers, so we are ordering a fresh certified one. We decided to do this, as we never know when we may need to travel via airline, and never sure when they will require it. I think it is just another way to charge us money.

I also need to get another book review written up. I guess this book is being released in the next few days, and they would like the review up before then. Shouldn't be too hard - I enjoyed the story. The Company has not contacted me about a project yet, so I am still in limbo there. I did get an email back, basically saying they received my notification of availability. That's plus in my book.

Okay, pills have been popped. That's your only warning if things start getting weird around here.

Thursday means it is 'Thirsty Thursday' and is the day the one friend of mine is "allowed out" for a couple hours. I am sure we will be meeting up this evening at one of our watering holes. Kind of funny, that this friend lives literally less than a mile from me, yet I never see him except Thursdays. Between his work schedule, and his weird wife.... Yes, I said weird wife. I won't go into detail, but she is very controlling.

Other than that, looks like my day is going to be wasted either napping (debating going back to bed already) or playing World of Warcraft. Decisions are so hard....


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