Wednesday, March 8

Happy Birthday Dad

 Today is (was) my Dad's birthday. He would have turned 75 years old, had he still been alive. Half that life now has been in the ground basically, since his passing in 1985. RM is only a year younger than he, though, as I write this, I'm like, 75 is OLD, yet I know Mom isn't that old.... it's a weird thing. Maybe because she is alive and kicking and Dad isn't? I don't know ... just weird.

Speaking of weird... The other day I made a booking for the Wife and I. Our anniversary is later this month (30th) and thought not a "major mile point" (only 32 years) decided we could try to do something to celebrate. The past couple of years, we just ended up going to Tucson and spending time with the Daughter and Doodad. Other times we just get a hotel room close to home, just to 'get out of the house'. This year I booked a balloon flight. Yeah. A hot-air balloon flight. It is a morning one, so we are supposed to meet at the offices of around 5:30 am. From there, I am guessing they drive us out to the lift-off area, and drive us back after we land. I am guessing it will be about a 3-4 hour ride. And I am scared.

I don't have a fear of heights, as many think. I have a fear of falling. If I feel secure at any height, I am fine. I enjoy looking out over the scenery. It's just when I don't feel secured, that any height bothers me. For example, I REALLY don't like climbing ladders, even to get on the one-story roof, for any reason. Thankfully I have sons for that. When flying, I do like the window seat, and don't mind watching the ground thousands of feet below pass by. this balloon ride though, in a basket, just makes my heart beat faster, and that feeling of anxiety comes creeping in. And I am paying money for this...sigh. The Wife is happy about it though. She always wanted to do one of these rides. I just hope she doesn't push me out of the basket.

Guess I should get the day started. I think I am going to run out (drive that is) to a local fast food joint and get some breakfast this morning. I am desiring a cola drink, and mean to have one!


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