Wednesday, March 29

Bad News - Good News

 After writing the post on Monday, about how unwell Daisy had been, etc, she passed away that afternoon. The Wife was upset, as I had expected, but not as bad as it could have been. After all, we knew with her health that Daisy wasn't much longer for this mortal plane. Youngest dealt with it well, and helped me with Daisy's remains.

The house feels somewhat emptier without the dog here. I find myself looking at Daisy's preferred places to recline throughout the house, and seeing them empty. Yes, with three cats still  here, it does make a difference. I guess we won't have to worry about buying dog food now...

The Oldest Son came by today. We had texted yesterday about his car FINALLY being ready from the repair shop, that he confirmed this morning. So I went with him and drove it back to our house. This will become the Youngest's car, if he ever takes his permit test. We are compensating the Oldest a certain amount off what he owes us (from his newer car purchase). It was nice to catch up a little bit with him this morning - The Oldest that is. Plans are for him to come back over Monday (his day off) and we will go take care of the registration/title changes, so I will get to see him again soon.

It is only Wednesday, and already this week has been filled with good and bad news. Thursday is the 32nd anniversary for the Wife and I. We are celebrating on Saturday by taking a morning hot-air balloon ride. It is something the Wife has always wanted to do. I'm feeling some anxiety about the ride. Between a fear of falling, and bouts of vertigo, I am not sure how enjoyable it will be for me. I think I should be able to be okay as long as I am not leaning over the rail.... be too easy for the Wife to push me over anyways.



Joe said...

Sorry about the dog.

Congrats on the anniversary

Rev Mom said...

I'm so sorry about Daisy. Sending hugs to the wife - and you. Love you, son.