Monday, February 8

Quiet Chuckles

Or is that 'Quiet, Chuckles'? This morning, it is a bit of both for me. As my usual start of the day routine, I read RM's blog first ting most mornings (if she has it posted yet). Today she made mention of me because I said she went on a rant about the Cousin. So, I looked up the definition. Yeah, I stand by what I said. I didn't say it was done in a blustery way, or a long speech, but it fits. I'm sure in her thoughts, it was just voicing her opinion - same thing for many of us. I do it quite often!

Anyways, welcome back to another Monday. It is back to work today for me, though a bit later this morning than I like. I finally got an email notifying me I am moving to phase two of this project (it was date/time stamped early this morning) and it will probably last about a week, maybe two but I doubt it. Then it will be on to another one. I'm just happy to be working.

I didn't do much yesterday. Played some Warcraft. The Middle Son has gotten me into a guild he is in, and they actually play raid content in the game. Last night was my first time running with the group, and I thought I did okay. The Guild is good about explaining the mechanics of the boss fights, and I was able to get better gear for my character. I had a good time and laughed quite a bit. They are an older group - meaning not a bunch of teens and twenties griping and yelling about things. More laid back and joking with each other. The Son has said to me before he is the baby of the Guild, being the youngest. Yet, he plays the role sometimes of being a leader of some of the groups we run. Proud of him for that, and many other things.

I guess I am off to get some other reading of blogs done, and whatnot before work.


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