Monday, February 1

It's Early For Me

 Hello early morning. Wish you hadn't woken me for whatever reason. Even better, I wish you had allowed me to roll over and return to peaceful slumber for an additional three hours, before  HAD to get up. Sigh. Oh well. Not sure what really woke me up, but there was no going back to sleep. So I got up from bed and sat myself in front of the computer. Sometimes it is nice to have that extra time there, as I was able to go through my three main email accounts and clear the junk out of them, take care of what needed replied to, and just sort it all out. Wish things in life were that easy.

I'm killing time this morning. Can't start work for about another 4 hours. Don't have much else to do either. I'll probably end up playing Warcraft. But first I will go through my blogroll, and my book sites to see what is new and interesting to me out there.


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